Top 10 reasons most websites fail!

Posted on: April 9th, 2011 by admin No Comments

failed website imageBeing in the web development and SEO world for over ten years you start to notice certain pattens forming in both human behaviour and how and why some websites fail. So with this in mind todays post gives a top 10 list of the reasons we have found most sites fall flat.

  1. Underestimating the true design cost: Going for a low cost solution is not always the best approach the saying ‘you get what you pay for’ rings true here.
  2. Content is king: Content is everything are you a professional copywriter, you may know your business but do you understand the buying triggers and call to action of well presented content?
  3. SEO Market Need: Have you researched your market, is their a need for your product or service?  Do your keywords and key phase deliver consistent high traffic.
  4. SEO A Plan: Have you established exactly how you will bring traffic to your site?
  5. Analytics: Do you check the traffic that comes to your site? what pages work and which do not.
  6. Call to Action: Does your site have a call to action some reason to buy or to contact you maybe even a free report or incentive.
  7. Just a website: Do you only have a website as your marketing campaign, it takes more than just a website to gain new clients most successful company’s employ many different marketing streams.
  8. Unrealistic timing: Most websites take time to establish and a lot of work to become successful.
  9. Price: Is your price right?  The Internet opens oppertunity for anyone to sell low to compete some players even sell below cost.
  10. Free: Does your website set you as the expert in your chosen field? Do you deliver quality content that is beneficial to site visitors?

So there’s the list, do you recognise any of these failings in a site you have launched we would be interested to hear from you, drop us a comment.

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